Do you have a knee or ankle injury? Contact Seary Physiotherapy & Sports Injury
Clinic in Cardiff. We can provide kinesiology tape to help treat your injuries.
General information
Payment needs to be made after each treatment session, unless your payments are covered by a third party.
You may pay by cash, card or cheque.
Physiotherapy treatment
Standard Per treatment
Virtual Assessment
Club contract Per treatment
Sports massage
30 minutes appointment
1 hour appointment
per session
Running/ cycling assessments
1 hour appointment
Assessment 60 minutes
Follow up appointment

Third party payments
Third party payments may vary between £30 to £50 depending on the assessment and report required. Contact us today for details.
Cancellation fees
We have a policy for late cancellations and missed appointments.
Late cancellation fee is £15, within 24 hours of the appointment .
For missed appointments, the full fee will be charged.